Cannabis Facts – What is Cannabis?

Cannabis Facts – What is Cannabis?

From ancient civilizations to modern societies, this enigmatic plant has played a prominent role in cultural, medicinal, and recreational contexts around the world. As the landscape of cannabis legalization continues to evolve, it’s crucial for patients to have...
Why Does Weed Make Your Eyes Red?

Why Does Weed Make Your Eyes Red?

If you’re new to the world of cannabis, you might be wondering why your eyes get red and bloodshot after smoking or vaping. At first glance, it looks like you’re on the edge of tears or that you are hurting yourself, but getting “red eyes” is...
What is a Dab Pen?

What is a Dab Pen?

Convenient, discreet and easy to use, dab pens have become one of the most popular ways to consume cannabis concentrates. Asking yourself, “What is a dab pen?” While it might sound like the same thing as a vape, the two are different tools. A vape pen is a...
Different Colors of Cannabis

Different Colors of Cannabis

Dark weed strains are becoming more popular. If you’ve ever wondered why cannabis plants have different looks and effects, genetics are the reason why. Sativa and indica plants evolved in separate regions of the world, developing unique, distinct characteristics to...
What is a Dab Nail?

What is a Dab Nail?

Just a dab will do ya! As cannabis concentrates — shatter, wax, sugar, sauce, live resin, etc. — become increasingly popular, so too has a relatively new technique for consumption: dabbing. Dabbing can be defined as “the action or practice of inhaling small quantities...